New partnership protects our sewer system

Tuesday 10 November New partnership protects our sewer system

Almost 50 gallons, or 380 pounds, of used cooking oil was collected at the Keep Port St. Lucie Beautiful (KPSLB) Household Hazardous Waste Collection and Tire Amnesty Day in October. Utility Systems first partnered with KPSLB at their last collection event held in March, where 43 gallons, or 333 pounds, of used cooking oil was collected. The Communications Department does a fantastic job promoting this event, and the results are clear when comparing the increase in collected cooking oil. Thanks to this multi-department partnership, our collection increased by 16%!

Keeping household fats, oil, and grease, also known as FOG, out of the kitchen sink helps to protect the integrity of the City’s vast sewer system, which includes over 1,000 miles of sewer main. When FOG enters pipes, it cools and forms blockages, which prevent wastewater from flowing efficiently. It builds up over time and collects other flushed debris. The clogs create backups and damage infrastructure, and ultimately, wastewater cannot be properly processed and treated to make reclaimed water, which is used for irrigation.

If you missed KPSLB’s biannual collection event, you can still help protect our sewer system and the environment all-year round by properly disposing of your household FOG. You can wait for it to cool and scrape it out of the pan and into the trash, or pour it into a can or container to store it for future use. If you don't plan on using it, you can drop it off at the collection site located at the St. Lucie Solid Waste Bailing and Recycling Facility. These simple changes can make a huge impact.

For more information, contact:
Jenny Tomes, APR
Utility Marketing and Digital Video Coordinator
(772) 871-5131 

Pickup truck bed filled with several containers of used cooking oil.

Nearly 50 gallons of used cooking oil was collected.