Connection Support & Billing

(772) 873-6400 | utility@cityofpsl.com121 S.W. Port St. Lucie Blvd. 
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Customer Service Specialist smiling while speaking to a customer on the phone

We provide service to more than 91,000 water customers and more than 74,000 sewer customers. 

Connection Support is responsible for all customer inquiries and applications for water and/or sewer service. Customer service specialists handle a monthly receive approximately 9,300 customer telephone calls, ranging from billing questions to complaints of high water usage, issue more than 2,000 work orders each month, and process more than 78 new service applications monthly.

The Billing Division issues monthly bills and processes payments to more than 88,000 water and/or wastewater customers. Billing processes more than 4,000 work orders generated by Customer Service and various Utility field divisions each month that are related to customer accounts being closed (moving out), new customers moving into existing service locations, delinquent account shut offs, and assorted maintenance activities.